Over the years, I used to notice people running and always wished I was able to too. I just felt I wasn’t built like a runner so never pursued it. When I moved home a few years back, I found “Ultimate Plodders” and thought I would give it ago. Not only did I find a group with a great coach, I have also made many friends too. As for the running I’m doing that also. Always being encouraged to be the best I can be, and not to compare myself with others.
Me, I`m a runner! Proof runners come in all shapes, sizes and ages. A little while back I was asked to be a Run Leader. I was very proud to be asked and completed my training with UK Athletics last year. I can now support others when they take that first step to become a runner too.
I thought I would be happy just to be able to run 5K, But with our coaches support I have now run several 10K`S and signed up for the Great South Run in October.
I have now clocked up over 100 runs with our club and can`t believe I`m still going. If I can do it and enjoy it, so can you!
Oh & did I mention fancy dress?
Keep Plodding
Love Joanne X