Ultimate Plodders

Do you just need a “ Me Day”

I often have phrases like “ you`re so motivated” said in my direction the truth is I`m not always motivated, I also struggle to lace up and today is that day.

It`s 1:30 I`m not dressed, I know I should be. I know I should of run, moved, done something.

I don’t even think I`ve cleaned my teeth and I know my hair is looking it`s absolute best tied up in a very fetching top knot and I`m rocking my worn pyjama’s.

I have a list of things that need doing, along with another list of things that should have been completed by now, including a training session that should have been completed this morning.

I have no interest in doing anything remotely active today, does that mean that I lost my mojo?Or does it mean do I just have a day to take stock, eat more biscuits drink more tea and think about what I should have done?

So, whilst I`m sat contemplating this, I realise that my mojo is sound. I have signed up for a race and managed to clean my trainers, that of course I bought in the most non practical colour ever! Well second non practical colour as even I`d draw the line at running in white trainers.

It must just mean I`m being lazy, well I have gathered up all my trainers from around the house and put them away (The husband likes to refer to these as trip hazards) I tend to use them as prompts to lace up, or so I tell myself.

I then look at my step count 412 I`ve been awake and up, well let`s be honest out of bed for 6 hours and that`s all my Garmin has logged. It logs 17 steps from the sofa to the kitchen and back to make a cup of tea, so I`m sure this has put me in the athlete category on cups consumed in smallest amount of time. But then again, I remind myself I am an athlete.

I`m now staring at my step count and yesterdays was 19,002 far from lazy and was certainly showing motivation to lace up and get out, so why nothing today?

It`s just today.Today, I need to relax watch nothing on Netflix, drink tea, look at new legging designs, sign up for races.

I have decided to call it a Me day, where my focus is my wellbeing. And today I need to plan to be active. I have just messaged a couple of plodders about a longer plod whilst finishing that packet of biscuits I should never have opened, but who likes stale biscuits? I`m sure I read somewhere that a packet should only ever be opened for 2 hours before they go stale.

On to my point, some days we can, some days we can`t and some days we don`t want to.

That`s exactly it today I don’t want to, I know tomorrow I`ll get up and want to move. I`ll have the hump as I`ll have to get a pair of trainers out of my running wardrobe instead of wandering around the house looking for a pair to match my leggings. More importantly I will know I`ll actual enjoy it.

If you haven’t laced up today, this week, this month don’t be so hard on yourself, we all have those days. The important thing to remember is that when you want to, you will & above all if you ever to need company or encouragement there`s always a plodder to keep your company.


Keep Plodding

Love Krishna X

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